Kelowna Real Estate Market News November 2022 I read a news report, this week, which I thought could easily apply to the Kelowna Real Estate Market. It came from a Chief Operating Officer of the Conwest Group, a BC Residential & Commercial Building Development Company. ” In a price discovery period … sellers realize what today’s buyers are willing to pay. We […]
Kelowna Real Estate Market Buyers Survey Results September 2022 The latest Buyers Survey results for the Kelowna Real Estate Market and Association of Interior Realtors area show an interesting increase in Revenue Property Investors, which is surprising given the recent interest rate rises. Couples without Children were also busier in the market, and we saw the numbers coming from the Lower Mainland and Vancouver […]
BC Real Estate Market News October 2022 BC Real Estate Market update for October 2022. The British Columbia Real Estate Association (BCREA) reports that a total of 4,977 residential unit sales were recorded by the Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®) in September 2022, a decrease of 45.8 per cent from September 2021. The average MLS® residential price in BC was $927,119, a 1.7 […]
Kelowna Real Estate Market Kelowna Real Estate Market News October 2022 While overall we have seen Kelowna Real Estate Market residential sales continue on a downward trend, September did bring me a few surprises. While looking for affordable Townhomes in the Kelowna area, I found myself in two multiple offers, and we were also in a multiple offer on a $1m + West Kelowna Rancher home […]
Kelowna Real Estate Market Quail Ridge University Real Estate Market Report October 2022 Welcome my latest comprehensive market report for Real Estate in Quail Ridge & the University District of Kelowna. This Report covers the period to September 30, 2022,  based on MLS® listings & sales. Quail Ridge / University District Real Estate January 1, 2022, to September 30, 2022. Sales Numbers Summary for 9 Months January to September […]
Kelowna Real Estate Market News September 2022 Real Estate in Kelowna saw Market activity, at the beginning of August,  was generally low and it felt like everyone had gone on holiday, or were coming to terms with Mortgage Interest rate rises. Over the last couple of weeks, we have seen an uptick in online activity, showings and offers. While Buyer offers remain […]
Kelowna Real Estate Market Quail Ridge Real Estate Market Report August 2022 Welcome my latest market performance report for Real Estate in Quail Ridge & the University District of Kelowna from January to June  2022,  based on MLS® listings & sales. Quail Ridge / University District Real Estate January 1, 2022, to June 30, 2022. Sales Numbers Summary for 6 Months January to June 2022 compared to 2021. […]
Kelowna Real Estate Market News August 2022 We’ve seen another increase in new listing inventory this month, and as interest rates took another jump it has had a significant effect on sales numbers, in the Kelowna Real Estate Market, which has continued to temper home price growth.   The higher mortgage rates have caused many homebuyers to pause their search, especially, as […]
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Kelowna Real Estate Market News July 2022 Both Buyers and Sellers are watching the real estate market very closely at the moment, as the market continues its shift. Predictions that a recession is on the way, inflation is continuing to rise and further interest rate rises are coming, are all definitely having an effect on consumer confidence. We know that interest rates […]
Kelowna Real Estate Market News Report June 2022 Well, there is so much to talk about with regard to the Kelowna Real Estate Market this month. There are so many opinions flying around out there! In case you haven’t heard, we have experienced a definite slowdown in the market during the last month. Buyer fatigue, the new Interest Rate environment (the Bank of Canada […]
Kelowna Real Estate Market Kelowna Real Estate Market News May 2022 Last month the Kelowna Real Estate Market seemed to show the first definite signs of a slow-down, after the latest interest rate rise and the continuing impact of inflation on the cost of living. Before we start thinking ‘ the sky is falling’, however, 47% of Single-Family home sales last month sold at or above […]
Kelowna Real Estate Market News April 2022 Last month was yet another busy month for Kelowna Real Estate, but I was interested to hear people start to ask, is the market starting to cool? It is true there may not have been quite as many showings with each property listed, and we are seeing more properties being listed than sold, so inventory […]
Quail Ridge UBCO Real Estate Market Quail Ridge UBCO Real Estate Market Report April 2022 Here is my latest market performance report for Quail Ridge & the University District Real Estate in  Kelowna from January to March 2022. It is based on MLS® listings & sales, together with my analysis of what to look out for in the coming months. Quail Ridge / University District Real Estate January 1, 2022, to […]
Kelowna Real Estate Market Report March 2022 At the risk of sounding like a broken record, last month’s real estate market really wasn’t for the faint-hearted buyer! Yet again, we saw many properties going into multiple offers and we saw properties at times sell $100,000 and $200,000 over asking, which in the past has been unheard of here. For example, a 5 […]
Kelowna Real Estate Market Report February 2022 For the buyers among you, I am sure you were wondering whether there is an end in sight to the rapidly rising Real Estate market we continue to see in Kelowna and the Central Okanagan area. Unfortunately, the hot market looks set to continue, at least for the immediate future, which could be further fuelled by […]
Kelowna Real Estate Market Quail Ridge UBCO Kelowna Real Estate Report January 2022 This report details the market performance of Quail Ridge & UBCO Real Estate in Kelowna during the last 12 months, based on MLS® listings & sales. There are details for each sector i..e. Single Family Homes, Condos & Townhomes together with my forecast for 2022. Quail Ridge / University District Real Estate January 1, 2021, to […]
Kelowna Real Estate Market Kelowna Real Estate Market Report January 2022 First and foremost Happy New Year everyone!  Last month’s sales were much more subdued, as a result of -: 1. Buyers continued to struggle to find homes, due to low inventory. 2. There were continuing road closures between the Okanagan and the Lower Mainland, after the November floods, which made traveling more challenging. 3. We […]